In Search of a Miracle – Is Perfect Necessary?

As I may have mentioned before, no flour and no sugar is perfect. The perfect beef comes from a cow fed solely on grass. The perfect vegetable is grown organically without any chemicals. Perfection is, well, ideal but rarely absolutely necessary or sometimes even possible. 

Get healthy

Is being healthy important enough? So last week we got to the bottom line. GET HEALTHY. Healthy means the absence of symptoms, diseases (as diagnosed by a doctor), and medications. Environmental toxins (mercury, lead, mold, chemical fertilizers/insecticides/pesticides) definitely impact health, particularly in susceptible people. Stress, 

Insulin Resistance and Diet – Part II

As said before, insulin resistance starts and ends with the amount of sugar arriving in your blood and your ability to cope with that sugar. Generally the sugar comes from your diet. However, natural steroid hormone (there is that word again) created in response to 

What’s for lunch?

You remember “Robert” don’t you? He’s the guy that said my newspaper column readers needed to know what to eat. So last week, in response to “Robert,” I wrote about breakfast. This week we are moving right along to lunch. Disclaimer First, please know that 

How we get fat and why it matters

Simple, you are thinking. We just eat too much! Well, yes, that could factor in. However, as I conveyed in the Lose Weight and Keep it Off series, the actual stuff we are eating matters the most. Body fat is not the enemy. It has 

Vegan or Vegetarian? Or Maybe Carnivore?

Vegan or Vegetarian? Or Maybe Carnivore?

We are on a quest to review the major diet “types” talked about in the nutrition world today. Pushing past Paleo and, Keto,  we arrive here: what about vegan, vegetarian, or carnivore? One of the things that the Paleo, Keto, and even the Mediterranean diet 

Is the Keto or Paleo Diet Right for You?

Is the Keto or Paleo Diet Right for You?

The Atkins diet introduced back in the 80’s by Robert Atkins was the first ketogenic eating plan intended as a weight loss diet. It was (and is) essentially a meat and fat diet broken ever so slightly by a few green leafy carbohydrate vegetables. It 

Is the Paleo Diet for You?

Is the Paleo Diet for You?

The Paleo diet created by Loren Cordain is designed on the premise that we should only be eating foods that our Paleolithic ancestors could hunt and gather from nature. It isn’t entirely clear that we humans really know what the cavemen ate; after all we weren’t 

What Diet Will Allow You to Lose Weight and Keep It Off?

More and more often I talk to folks who are on a certain “diet.” The big question for them is, how can you keep the weight off permanently? Anyone who has ever done some serious calorie cutting or Weight Watchers knows, weight can be lost 

What do Diabetes and Epilepsy have in common?

This morning I watched a youtube presentation from the latest low-carb summit (Low Carb Breck 2018) by Dr. Eric Kossoff, specialist in epileptic children and ketogenic diets.  It brought back a memory. Two years ago I wandered the aisles in the health food store in