I have personally known Pat Smith for years. This woman walks the talk, and is one of the most honorable women I have had the privilege of knowing.
My job as a Certified Diabetes Educator and Registered Nurse is to help people with one of the fastest growing chronic diseases in the world. We all know that we need to eat better to both help with and prevent many chronic diseases. Yet, the first question I am asked when a patient comes to me for education is “what do I eat?”. There is so much information out there and much of it is confusing and unclear and wrong.
Now here is Pat’s book. I have watched as she has poured her heart and soul into finding the truth when it comes to real food and real health. She has been able to translate all that knowledge into this book. It is a delight to read. It is easy to understand. You will be able to implement the knowledge you gain. After reading this book, you will be able to make better choices in order to eat right and improve your health.
I love this book. I wish I could give every patient I see this book. You will not be sorry that you own this book.