In Search of a Miracle – The Seed We Eat!

Seeds – Plants in Waiting So here is what we know. Plants are designed to protect themselves so they can reproduce. Animals are designed to protect themselves so they can reproduce. Reproducing requires being alive, the minimum requirement. Both plants and animals need nutrition to 

Plants are just chock-full of nutrition?

Plants are just chock-full of nutrition. Surely you have heard this before. Yet we learned something important in my last post “Toxins in Plants?”  Plants can be problematic for some people sometimes. Here is how it works. Seeds All plants grow from seed in some 

Toxins in plants?

In my recent post, Seeking energy with the least effort , we did a fast track though the evolution of animal instincts to seek energy with the least effort, showing how that instinct gets us into trouble today. During our travels we happened on ways 

Is the Keto or Paleo Diet Right for You?

Is the Keto or Paleo Diet Right for You?

The Atkins diet introduced back in the 80’s by Robert Atkins was the first ketogenic eating plan intended as a weight loss diet. It was (and is) essentially a meat and fat diet broken ever so slightly by a few green leafy carbohydrate vegetables. It 

Is the Paleo Diet for You?

Is the Paleo Diet for You?

The Paleo diet created by Loren Cordain is designed on the premise that we should only be eating foods that our Paleolithic ancestors could hunt and gather from nature. It isn’t entirely clear that we humans really know what the cavemen ate; after all we weren’t 

What to do about arthritis flares!

“I have arthritis and am sometimes in constant pain. I thought maybe it was gluten related so I eat gluten free bread but that didn’t help. The doctor says I have irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and none of the medicine is working. What do I