“The Calcium Paradox” – the bone/artery connection

How are your bones? Maybe your doctor says you have osteoporosis or osteopenia. Osteopenia is when your bones are weaker than normal but not so far gone that they break easily, the mark of osteoporosis. Sometimes you get diagnosed by a bone density test ordered 

Toxins in plants?

In my recent post, Seeking energy with the least effort , we did a fast track though the evolution of animal instincts to seek energy with the least effort, showing how that instinct gets us into trouble today. During our travels we happened on ways 

HELP! I have kidney stones and they hurt

A reader I will call Maria recently called and asked me to write about kidney stones. I can’t speak from experience (thankfully) but I’m told passing a kidney stone is worse than giving birth. At least you have a sweet baby after giving birth but