Overweight, diabetic, and high cholesterol

Question “A while back you wrote about a guy who wanted to know about a diet to reduce his cholesterol. I think his name was Bert. He was a skinny guy and you helped him to fix his diet. I need that kind of help 

The Early, Easy Message

The Early, Easy Message

Statistics show that about 85% of diabetics are overweight or obese. But that leaves 15% who are not. Why would that be and what should they do? Everyone’s situation is a little different. Maybe you could use some help identifying your personal differences and how 

When You Don’t Know You are a Pioneer

Some of us remember when ATMs were a new idea. I am personally not a pioneer, figuring you can always tell the pioneers by the arrows in their butts. So I was entertained by the ultimate ATM issues that were not initially anticipated. But I 

In Search of a Miracle – How Does Growing Fat Happen?

How Does This “Growing Fat” Thing Happen? We need body fat but, as as adult in 2022, we don’t necessarily need it to grow. The human body is purposely designed to gain fat to avoid starving. Those poor humans living in caves way back when 

The problem is always insulin resistance.

The problem is always insulin resistance.

I have written (perhaps ad nauseam) about the importance of your immune system in responding to COVID-19. We have looked at all those troublesome “underlying conditions” and how they challenge the immune system. But maybe you decided that you weren’t worried about COVID -19. Ignore 

Worried about virus “variants”?

For days now the news has been the arrival of virus “variants”, the first of which popped up in the UK. Now they appear to be in 36 of the US states. And that is just today. So now the worry is whether the vaccine 

Body Fat and Covid-19

Why is it that the majority of folks hospitalized and frequently dying after COVID-19 infection have lots of excess body fat? What is going on here? Let’s start at the beginning. The virus that causes COVID-19 enters cells by attaching the virus corona (crown) to 

Covid-19 and the Immune System

I spent the week between Christmas and New Year’s day with family. There was a lot of isolation and COVID-19 testing for everyone prior to and after this celebration. I ate some stuff that I am not supposed to eat. For example, my great grandchildren 

COVID-19 –What part of “underlying” do we not understand?

Schools are opening all over the country. Sure enough there are immediately cases of COVID-19 in students and staff. It was inevitable. Its a virus for Pete’s sake. The flu is a virus that spreads like wild fire. Lots of people (maybe all) are exposed