Tag: protein

Bert’s Story

On August 11, I received an email from “Bert,” a 76 year old male reader wondering what kind of diet would help him lower his cholesterol so he could avoid taking a statin. Between August 11 and the 25th, Bert and I “talked” and learned 

“We have two fuel sources –a big one and a little one. Which one are you burning?”

Everything I know about health and nutrition I have learned from a large and growing number of scientists, doctors, and researchers. One of those is Dr. Benjamin Bikman. Dr Bikman is a professor running a research lab at Brigham Young University. His lab particularly focuses 

Have you ever broken a bone?

At age 10 Tony was hit by a car in the baseball field parking lot, breaking his leg. It healed quickly and in no time he was back behind home plate. Victor, age 42, tripped over his cat (you know how cats are) and crushed 

Your health is about what you eat MOST days! Part 2

It isn’t about ONE food or even one DAY’s food. It’s about what we eat MOST days. So you have choices to make, choices about the degree to which on most days your diet is adequate in protein, adequate in essential nutrients, and avoids too 

Your health is about what you eat MOST days! Part I

My most recent post was entitled “What Matters Most to Your Health? The central issue was this: a diet deficient in the essential nutrients (called micro-nutrients) including vitamins and minerals is guaranteed to make you sick and probably fat. What has your attention? There are 

How important is protein in your diet?

How important is protein in your diet?

Some talk (seemingly forever) about carbohydrates (the sugar in plants) or fat as the bad guys in health and obesity. I confess a level of guilt in the sugar category. And you may be sick of it, particularly since I keep suggesting you change what