Tag: triglycerides

A Reader’s Question about Cholesterol

A Reader’s Question about Cholesterol

Question “I read in your book about cholesterol and I think I understood it. Now my doctor says my cholesterol is too high. Am I supposed to be worried about that?” Answer The cholesterol information in my book is accurate but a bit incomplete in 

The problem is always insulin resistance.

The problem is always insulin resistance.

I have written (perhaps ad nauseam) about the importance of your immune system in responding to COVID-19. We have looked at all those troublesome “underlying conditions” and how they challenge the immune system. But maybe you decided that you weren’t worried about COVID -19. Ignore 

Four important questions you want to answer!

Four important questions you want to answer!

Just yesterday an acquaintance mentioned that his doctor was concerned about his cholesterol. Actually this happens with a fair amount of frequency. Folks read my newspaper articles so they know who I am. In fact, sometimes they come to examine my grocery cart at the