Reduce Diabetes Risk of Bad Stuff

This can be really scary. Folks with diabetes almost always have some bad stuff, stuff like nerve damage in our feet, eyes, and kidneys as examples.This is not “so what” stuff, rather these can be the beginning of pain, amputations, blindness, and kidney failure.

Symptom? Migraines

Anyone who has ever had a migraine knows they are ugly. My daughter was once periodically incapacitated by extreme, disabling migraine headaches, flat in the bed in a dark bedroom, unable to move or converse.  At other times she was nauseated, dizzy, and lost balance. 

The Human Body Design is Magical

Are you often sick? Do you have conditions that you don’t call “sick” but require you to see doctors and take medications? If so, that probably means your magical immune system isn’t doing its job. And that is a problem. What is magic? You see 

What are your triglycerides and HDL cholesterol? Do you care?

What are your triglycerides and HDL cholesterol? Do you care? When I ask people who are diabetic or those worried about their “cholesterol” what their trigs and HDL measures are, they rarely know. And yet these are crucial pieces of information relative to heart disease 

Can We Eat to Starve Cancer?

Nothing scares people more than cancer. Since publishing It’s All About the Food l I have been researching the relationship between obesity, diet, and cancer. This TED talk does an exceptional job of packaging all three in an easy to understand way. Yes, we can